Saturday, May 20, 2006

Bombay, 9:30 PM

I leave day after tomorrow. Just had an argument with my mom - she doesn't want me to go Srinagar and insists that I take the cell phone with me. What's the point of backpacking if you're going to be reachable? And it's not like I'm doing this for the first time. I've been alone in the himalayas before, at 16 no less. Anyway, I think I'll take the cellphone nevertheless and I probably won't go to Srinagar (hate being the good Indian son).

It amazes me how, at 24, they're more concerned than they when I was 16! And I bet if I was going to Croatia or Palestine, they wouldntbe half as worried.

Anyway, I'm excited. Very excited. The final (tentative) route has been decided - I'm going to go fom Shimla to Manali via the Lahaul Spiti and Kinnaur ranges and then from Manali take the Manali-Leh bus. I hope to god the roads are open - I really really really want to do this. And of course, once I'm in Leh, I'm going to be there for a while - a week or two (especially now that Srinagar is not happening!!).

I think at some level I'm also nervous - mainly because I dont have enough warm clothes. I can pick those up in Shimla - borrow them from Shuks even. I guess it also helps that I have a good friend as a base should anything go wrong - and he's well connected.

God - I hope the roads open soon- or I'm going to have to figure out another way to get to Leh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey.. good route.. spiti is beautiful and the road to manali you speaking about is I think open am sure about srinagar - leh but not about the other one which goes through Rotang. usually the roads open after mid june but you never know the range has less snowfall this time.

Please take care.. and have a safe journey. keep in contact with parents, they tend to worry :) cheers!

12:04 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Cellphones do not work in Kashmir. There is no roaming facility available so the only phones that work are those issued to local Kashmiris. Pre paid cards are also not available. Take the phone and then you can honestly complain that it did not work out there.

I think I read on the news somewhee that the Manali Leh Road has been opened so it should be possible to take the bus. Its an overnight journey though and the night in the open gets COLD!!!

Leh daytime right now is t-shirt and jeans season. You can hire / buy warm stuff even in Leh. And bikes. Thats the way to get around out there.


3:43 PM


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